Friday, November 4, 2005

What Watching Movies Taught Me This Week: Nov 4, 2005

- My holy trinity of good actresses (ones that I know I will always enjoy no matter the flick) are: Toni Colette, Tilda Swinton, and Catherine Keener. (CAPOTE)
- You can have a film be about gay folks and still be pretty gay without turning it into a dreaded "gay film". (CAPOTE)
- Hollywood still hasn't learned how to effectively present the whole "butt sex" issue to straight people (BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN)
- Anne Hathaway (PRINCESS DIARIES) and her boobs are no longer under contract with Disney (BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN)
- Love, love, love the people you want to no matter what the consequence (BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN)
- I'm still not convinced that Elijah Wood has any hair below his eyebrows. That goes for pubes too (EVERYTHING IS ILLUMINATED)
- Kangol hats are the premium! (EVERYTHING IS ILLUMINATED)
- Ziploc is the preferred storage method of obsessive compulsive collectors (EVERYTHING IS ILLUMINATED)

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