Friday, October 14, 2005

What Watching Movies Taught Me This Week: Oct 14, 2005

- There is a difference between "influential" Anime and "good" Anime. (AKIRA)
- Dubbing. When will people learn? (AKIRA)
- Never forget where you came from. It can help keep from being lost like a cow without a cowbell. (THE FLOWER OF MY SECRET)
- Always shred your writing documents, especially if you keep multiple drafts. One man's trash... (THE FLOWER OF MY SECRET)
- Joss Whedon should be given his own ticket to do WHATEVER HE FUCKING WANTS TO. (SERENITY)
- "Betwixt", "Nethers" and "Sundries". Three words I don't know how I've lived without using in everday speech. (SERENITY)
- If you are moving into an orphnage bring cool things (toys, comics) and an ability to swim if you want to fit in. (THE DEVIL'S BACKBONE)
- If a room full of gasoline is on fire, GET THE FUCK OUT. (THE DEVIL'S BACKBONE)
- Ghosts will never hurt you unless you are the target of their rage. Bring them that target and you got it made baby!(THE DEVIL'S BACKBONE)
- Even in a gay slasher movie, my personailty type would still be the first one offed (type being: nerdy, fool-for-love, but hopeful) (HELLBENT)
- Get yourself a glass eye. It just might save your life if you ever get attacked by a scythe wielding madman. (HELLBENT)

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